
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

sweet dream

last night i dreamt myself delivered a baby (looks like a boy). But then i was feeling odd cuz i was not intending to breastfeed him. (hey, i want to breastfeed all my children!)

It was a sweet dream. i hope it will come true soon.

wonder why did i have such dream... was it cuz too much thinking in the day? could it be due to my 'mental alarm for due date'? or (hopefully is) God is telling me this day has come....

i was teasing yongqi yesterday when he kept asking for 'nei nei'. i put him into breastfeed position, tell him 'nei nei' is here... haha... teasing him and telling him how he drank from me last time... so daily activity made me have such dream?

dw and i want to have a new born in 2009. thus, if you calculate the date, i must conceive latest march 09 in order to realise this 'dream'. and today is last day of march. maybe the dream was due to my 'mental alarm of the date due'...

lastly, could it be a prophetic dream from God telling us baby on the way? hehe... let's hope so...

this third baby is definitely special to me and my family. on his arrival, you people who read this blog must come visit me at hospital and share my joy! and i am going to get a single room stay so that all of you can have a party in there... hahaha...

dream dream dream... may the dream be realised soon... Amen!

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