
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sacrifice-Bob Fitts- With lyrics.

Just like our Heavenly Father sent Jesus....

Friday, May 30, 2008

Lord My Dearest Friend 最知心的朋友

主你是我最知心的朋友 主你是我最亲爱的伴侣
我的心在天天追想着你 渴望见到你的面
在我人生的每一个台阶 在我人生的每一个小站
你的手总是在搀拉着我 把我带在你身边
告诉我当走的路 没有滑向死亡线
你爱何等的长阔深高 我心发出惊叹
有了主还要什么 我心与主想连
我已起誓要跟随主 永不改变

My Redeemer Lives - Nicole C. Mullen

This one including the lyrics... i love this song!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

相 亲 相 爱 一 家 人

非 常 有 意 思、 感 动 人 的 歌 曲。 我 喜 欢 当 中 的 歌 词。 每 一 个 人 都 梦 想 有 一 个 完 整 的 家。 但 是, 我 们 往 往 却 忽 略 了, 我 们 也 是 缔 造 完 整 家 的 重 要 一 份 子。 所 谓“ 凡 事 包 容, 凡 事 相 信,凡 事 忍 耐, 凡 事 盼 望。。。”
我 们 都 已 熟 背, 但 多 少 次, 我 们 却 在 我 们 的 大 家 庭 里 起 不 必 要 的 纷 争 呢?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My view on the video

Gosh! the first time i watched the video, my tears just rolled even before i realised what it is about... guess its annointed!

The dad is so great! how much hardship he pulled thru just cuz he wanted his son to experience the whole thing....

Our heavenly Dad, too. so many times when we were down, He carried us thru the whole thing... to experience what we couldnt have pulled thru if without Him.

Thank you Father, for your love. May this love shower me too so i can do the same to others.

My Redeemer Lives

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

do what i could and what i should....

It was my dad's birthday last monday. We celebrated it for him at downtown east sakura.

To me, i feel that it was a breakthrough, for me and perhaps my family. Cuz it has been so many years since we last celebrated his birthday together as a family. past years, we used to give him an ang pow as he was always not keen to accept our invitation for a meal. He always claimed to be busy. But i think its more of avoiding...

for myself, i would say that it is God's grace that my relationship with my dad has improved over the recent years. i used to dislike him.... hate him to be exact. It is only recently i realise that the reason behind the hatred is due to disappointment. cuz my expectation for him. as my dad, is high and he didnt pass that, so i was sort of hurt, very much. but who is born to be a good parent? for most of their generation, it is through their own parents, they learnt about parenthood. i think he himself is also a victim of a malfunction family.

there were so much in him that i dislike. but sadly, after preparing for my couple group meeting, topic on our original family, i realise that i am so much like him. the temper, spending pattern and many more...

i was the one suggested this birthday lunching. of course with the support of my the another two elder sisters. during the lunch, i have certain gestures that i want to let him feel comfortable, accepted, happy and that he is important. i think my sisters might be quite shocked and uneasy esp when i presented (my creation using small cakes and a banana at the buffet counter) the cake and initiated to sing a birthday song. i know this is a crazy idea. but at that moment, my objective is to let him be happy. yes. i am sort of 'por-ing' him... it was very obvious. i did that cuz i want to let him know the family still care for him.

everybody needs to be loved and felt cared for. despite how wrong he was and how much he had hurt, i cant deny that he loves us, his children, very much. and i believe that, only love can turn him into a better person.

somehow, this reminded me, 14 years ago, i did the same thing to my beloved grandma (my dad's mum). that time i was 19 year old. none of her children bothered to initiate a celebration with her as a family cuz she was quite a difficult person to handle. i was the one who initiated a birthday party for her in a restaurant. i can still remember how happy she was. and i never regret doing so. though most of the guests who attended were there 'to eat' more than 'to bless', they even hardly interacted with her that night... but i am thankful for their presence. cuz it was their presence that make my ah ma happy, not the food, not the setting... its their attendance. cuz she felt that these people who attended, they bothered to come... i believed that if any guests whom she invited did not turn up, she would be very sad and disappointed.

there are so many things we can do to those people who love us and those people whom we love. Do it now, before they leave. my uncles and aunties now will pay respect at my ah ma's tomb on her death anniversary. i have never been there since that year she died. guess no one would dare to reprimand me about it (my grandma loved me very much when she lived). cuz i have done what i should and what i could when she could feel!

Friday, May 23, 2008

战 争

每 一 天 都 是 一 场 战 争! 尤 其 是 周 日 的 早 上和 晚 上。 早 上 必 须 把 熟 睡 的 咏 恩 拖 起 床、 晚 上 要 把 精 神 弈 弈 的 她 赶 去 睡 觉! 她 和 我 一 样 是 一 个 夜 猫 子, 白 天 是 慢 开 启 的 旧 车, 黑 夜 是 一 部 有 待 奔 驰 的 宝 马! 而 咏 恩 这 个 家 伙 有 一 个 毛 病。 这 家 伙 是 不 折 不 扣 的 “敬 酒 不 吃 吃 罚 酒” 的 虐 待 者! 只 要 我 哪 时 对 她 稍 微 好 些, 她 就 会 连 扯 带 抓 地 爬 到 我 头 上 拉 屎 拉 尿! 比 如 昨 晚 我 心 血 来 潮, 拿 了 当 年 结 婚 的 照 片 出 来 和 她 一 起 翻 看, 谁 知 道 这 家 伙 一 看 看 了3、4 回 还 不 肯 睡 觉! 我 于 是 开 始 用 严 肃 的 态 度 警 告 她 该 上 床 睡 了, 可 她 却 开 始 闹! 哇~~ 她 越 闹 我 火 越 大, 一 直 警 告 她 不 要 再 惹 我 了。。。 她 还 是 不 醒 目, 结 果 搞 到 一 把 鼻 涕 一 把 眼 泪 地 睡 觉。。。
早 上, 我 企 图 叫 醒 她, 她 不 是 赖 床, 左 躺、 右 趴, 就 是 直 喊 叫' 我 很 累'。 在 时 间 的 紧 迫 下, 我 不 得 开 始 恐 吓 她。 我 半 拖 半 拉 地, 把 她“ 搞” 到 厨 房, 她 却 躺 在 那 里 闹 起 来! 于 是, 我 终 于 拿 出 我 的 “武 林 至 尊, 宝 刀 屠 龙, 号 令 天 下, 谁 敢 不 从,pia pia 不 出, 谁 与 争 风” 的pia pia 倚 天 剑! 霹 雳 啪 啦 地 乱 大 了 一 番, 她 便 一 边 哭 一 边 慢 条 斯 理 地 就 范。
我 想 左 邻 右 舍 都 听 见 我 这“siao char bor” 的 嘶 喊 声。 我 真 的 很 讨 厌 自 己 这 个 样 子! 主 啊, 求 您 怜 悯 我。 给 我 智 慧 和 耐 心, 让 我 不 需 要 发 疯 就 可 以 让 咏 恩 合 作。 因 为 继 续 这 样, 我 相 信 我 会 带 给 我 的 孩 子 肉 体 上 和 心 灵 上 的 伤 害。

Thursday, May 22, 2008

ernie and elmo

My favourite song by ernie and elmo.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Wedding Party

Attended a wedding party of my two church friends on saturday.
Memories flooded into my mind as i witness their church ceremony and banquet dinner.

i shed tears (ok this time the 'eye juice' just rolled in the eyes..) the moment the bride marched into the church with her dad... such a touching moment. i remembered i was holding my tears 5 yrs back when my dad did the same ritual with me.. my dad seldom hold me... it was the first time ever since i started to be 'righteous' against him... the holding, melted my heart... i am glad that i heeded the advice of my pastor to let my dad hold me instead of my mum.. this was the starting point of dad and daughter relationship revival.

'my dad holds me', this was exactly what i kept thinking while marching into the church. Thank God for such a wonderful experience. after then, he handed me to the man of my life--- my husband ttw. I admired him for 2 yrs before we started off with this relationship. 'Finally i am off the shelf' was the next thought at that moment. My heart just couldn't stop giving thanks.... When our good friends, Allison and Choo Kok, the mcs for our whole day event started to worship, gosh, my tears, like the running tap water, gushed like nobody's business... i was so worried that my fake lashes and mascara would smerge like panda eyes....

The tears, were tears of thanks giving. Really. So thankful to my God, who has always been there for my ups and downs. My best friend. My counsellor. My protector. all the best of Him, I have never failed to experience. Just because of His grace and love. Thank God!

Ling was not the same on saturday. She was cool. She even danced while worshiping. haha.. I couldn't help laughing at her... she was not that kind of traditional bride. She wouldn't want to be one i guess. She got her own style.

its a special day. The best day a woman would ever dream. The limelight is always on the bride. it is her most beautiful day... and her best memory. Ling's wedding once again reminded me how blessed i am. I have a loving husband. He is the best person for me. Its not easy to take all my nonsense without complain. But he passes that. Sometimes i feel that i failed him... as i am not a good wife. i grumble and complain... sometimes even thought that i am superior than him... not to realise until then that i am in fact ignorant and foolish.

My husband has led me and influence me positively. he even does my duties without a word of grumble. he does the laundry, washes the toilet, even scrubs the stove after my cooking... other than that, he never fails his own duty. He works very hard for the family. Though he seems to be quite stingy to others out there... but i would dare to say that his charity contribution is more than most of you... well, ok, he loses to those who only recite charity using their mouth perhaps..you know, for those who only talk about it and no action! ttw does not like to talk much about what he does and about to do.

It is good to be a married woman. I have no regret entering into this marriage. God bless us with two wonderful children, a 3 half years old girl and a 1 half year old boy. Perhaps God will continue to bless us with more, I don't know. But many people say that my children are miracles. because I have got irregular menses, meaning, my ovulation is in a mess. maybe 1/3 of normal women's chance to conceive. Yet, after nine months of marriage, our first girl was conceived. God's grace. Thus, she is to sing and praise His grace.

Lord, i really thank You for my marriage and family. May your blessing also pour upon my wedded and couple friends. Let their relationship improve each day and let Your grace be with them too. As for those who are single, Lord, please give them a partner and lead them to come together. Thank you Lord. In Jesus's name, Amen.